Supports expanded early childhood programming, initially at Muskegon Public Schools and Muskegon Heights Public School Academy
Fund Focus: Education
Zeller Family Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Fruitport Schools graduates
Brevick-Naymick Education Fund
Grants through the fund will benefit students at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Julie Schugars Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships, in memory of Julie, to graduating seniors of Oakridge High School pursuing a career in the field of education
Walling Scholarship in Honor of Art and Arlene Wood
Scholarships to graduating seniors/past graduates of Oakridge High School
Little Learners Preschool
Supports programming focused on children in preschool through second grade that is art- and literature-based through the Muskegon Museum of Art
Steve and Deb Jackson Family Scholarship
Muskegon County resident who has completed two years of study and is attending a Michigan college or university
Norman J. and Maureen L. Campbell Family Scholarship
Muskegon County graduating seniors or a student attending a community college attending the University of Michigan pursuing a degree in engineering or nursing.
Tilio and Martha Giacobassi Scholarship
For Muskegon public school graduates pursuing a degree or certification at Muskegon Community College or Baker College. Preference to a student demonstrating financial need.
Dennis L. and Susan K. Emmons Instrumental Music
Scholarships to graduating seniors from North Muskegon or Muskegon High School who participated in instrumental music and is pursuing a degree/certification at any accredited college or university and has interest in furthering their education in music or performance after high school