Muskegon LEAD Giving Circle Awards Their First Grant
The Muskegon LEAD (Leading Efforts Against Discrimination) Giving Circle was organized to collectively fund initiatives in Muskegon County specifically and intentionally focused on justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI). The circle is comprised of approximately 30 diverse, young community members with a shared vision of creating a vibrant community with great opportunities for all.
Earlier this fall, the Muskegon LEAD Giving Circle virtually gathered to select its first grant recipient, the Coalition for Community Development!
The mission of the Coalition for Community Development (CCD) is to build relationships with neighbors to support a thriving community in Muskegon Heights, and they have been on that journey for the last 16 years.
“We are honored and humbled to be selected by the LEAD Giving Circle to receive this meaningful award,” said Kerri VanderHoff, executive director of Coalition for Community Development. “Thank you to all involved for the recognition and confidence in CCD, and for the investment to help continue JEDI work within our community. Our commitment to the legacy of Dr. Doris Rucks, our founder, guides us and grounds us firmly in grassroots, resident-driven efforts that seek to empower one another.”
We look forward to updating you on CCD’s impact in Muskegon County over the next several months. The Muskegon LEAD Giving Circle is always looking for young LEADers under 50 years of age to become members and are always looking for new funders of all ages to advance JEDI work in Muskegon County. If you are interested in becoming a member of the LEAD Giving Circle or finding out how you can advance JEDI work in Muskegon County, please contact our Development team here.