***Giving Tuesday 2020 has ended. Thank you for supporting Kickstart to Career!***

You can invest in the future of Muskegon County kids by supporting KickStart to Career this year!

On Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020, your gift to support KtC Muskegon County will help us maximize the match from a national funder. The Giving Tuesday match is only available from 12:01 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

About KickStart to Career

KickStart to Career Muskegon County (KtC) is a program designed to give students an early boost toward a great career. Starting with the 2018-19 school year – and school years that follow –  KtC opens a $50 savings account for every kindergartener – public, private and charter –  in Muskegon County! Along the way, students have a chance to make their own deposits, earn rewards, learn about saving, and plan for a great career.  All the way through high school!


Thank you for your support!

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Where and how is up to you.

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