Wish Lists
If you’d like to make a difference but you’re not sure how or where you want to donate, consider funding one or more items from our Community Wish Lists. Twice a year, we survey area nonprofits to find out some specific things they wish for. We compile these items into our Community Wish Lists, which we post here and send directly to our Donor Advised Fundholders.
Look for your favorite organization or browse until you find a project you want to support. If you have a Donor Advised Fund, contact us and recommend a grant from your fund to make an impact. If you don’t have a Fund, you can give directly to the nonprofit. Just be sure to let them (and us) know you saw it on one of our Community Wish Lists!
Community Wish List – under $500
Community Wish List – $500-$1,500
Community Wish List – over $1,500
For nonprofits: We invite submissions of wishes in May and October. Contact Mandy Hicks if you’d like your organization to be included in the next round!