Provides educational grants to Muskegon Community College or Baker College
tag: Muskegon Community College
Tilio and Martha Giacobassi Scholarship
For Muskegon public school graduates pursuing a degree or certification at Muskegon Community College or Baker College. Preference to a student demonstrating financial need.
Swenson Family Fund
Provides support for Lebanon Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Muskegon Museum of Art, Hackley Public Library, Community College, Habitat for Humanity and the Foundation general scholarship program
MSU Alumni Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore Area Scholarship
For Muskegon County residents, high school graduating seniors or Muskegon Community College students transferring to MSU
Foundation for MCC/Endowment
Support for Muskegon Community College
Foundation for MCC/Special Needs
For special needs as determined by Muskegon Community College.
Foundation for MCC/Nellie Johnson and John Leaf Scholarship
Scholarships to students attending MCC and majoring in business or art
Muskegon Community College Faculty Assoc. Scholarship
Scholarships for students currently attending MCC